Make your life more convenient by hiring Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental.
Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental is a locally-owned business that you can trust. For decades, our team has been delivering fresh, well-designed uniforms and a plethora of other high-quality products to companies located in Maryland, Washington DC, northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware. When you attempt to buy and maintain uniforms yourself, you’ll see that you can run into a few problems. Make your life more convenient by hiring Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental. Here are three of the many issues that we can help you solve.
Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental Can Help Create a Positive and Professional Company Image
Neat and clean uniforms present a professional public image that shows that your employees are well-trained, reliable, hardworking, honest professionals capable of handling your customers’ needs. In short, people tend to trust uniformed employees—furthermore, identification matters. When walking into a commercial establishment, employee uniforms take the uncertainty of knowing who to ask for help.
Employee Uniforms Help Retain Employees
Unforms help recruit and keep good employees by letting them know you will provide clean uniforms to work in, relieving them of the hassle and expense of purchasing, cleaning, and possible wear and tear on their clothes. It makes such a significant difference when you provide comfortable, well-fitting uniforms that make it easier for someone to do their job and keeps them safe from coming into contact with hazardous chemicals.
Also, what’s even better is that it will save you time and frustration because you won’t have to handle these tasks yourself or worry about hiring in-house professionals to keep your uniforms clean and pristine. Nor will you have to think about how to replenish your inventory if you decide to grow your team and hire more people.
Look Forward to Fresh Floors and Clean Carpets
The benefit of hiring Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental is that we don’t only provide employee uniforms. Our company offers many products that can help keep your business clean, from microfiber towels to wet and dust mops. Also, we encourage you to inquire about our mat rental service. Entrance mats coupled with a few mats placed around your entire establishment are sure to keep your floors and carpets clean.
Trust Your Employee Uniforms to the Professionals at Lord Baltimore
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided cost-effective uniform, mat, and towel rental services throughout the East Coast, including Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
To learn more about how employee uniforms can help your business, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle uniform and mat rentals and purchase for restaurants. Additionally, we also sell and rent uniforms, shop towels, fender covers, and mats for the manufacturing and automotive industries.