Winter work is tough; arm your crew with the right apparel.
Do your employees work outdoors? Whether they travel to customers’ homes, take orders at the drive-thru, or manage construction sites, your employees need branded workwear that is up to the challenge of keeping them fit and functional. You’ll be glad you resourced the best branded workwear this winter, as you will avoid these winter work complaints!
Winter Workwear Must-Haves
If your employees work outdoors in hazardous zones, like construction zones, then a standard personal protection equipment set is called for. Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental can be your source for PPE. For winter safety, the most fundamental items would include a jacket or coat, a hat, and gloves. You could also throw in some thick, branded boot socks so the team can still feel their toes!
Avoid These Winter Work Complaints!
Winter weather can have a more dramatic effect on people than you think, particularly when exposed for long hours. Avoid these winter work complaints:
“I Can’t Think Clearly”
That’s quite serious, and caused by classic hypothermia. Some research says that colder temperatures help you think clearer, but when you aren’t dressed warmly enough, your temperature could drop, resulting in hypothermia. Bundling up matters.
“I Can’t Feel My Fingers”
Cold temperatures can stiffen muscles and make it hard to move your fingers, bad news if you need to use your hands for outdoor work and don’t have gloves. Appropriate work gloves are an easy fix.
“Didn’t See Him There”
Once again, avoid an unnecessary accident by providing standard PPE if it is called for in your profession. Lord Baltimore can guide you through the options and any extras your team may need. On top of that, you can also source commercial uniform cleaning from us as well. We make every aspect of work uniforms simple and straightforward.
“My Ears and Face Hurt”
If you live in regions where the air is cold and dry, you understand the pain it causes your ears and face. Invest in branded winter hats and scarves to insulate the head.
“I Can’t Move”
Workwear should be functional, even in winter. Too little apparel, and your muscles can all grow stiff, but too much clothing, and you’ll be too bulky to move. We can help make suggestions on what would work best.
“This Weather Will Make Me Sick”
Cold weather apparently won’t make people catch a cold, but it certainly can make you lose significant body heat if you aren’t prepared. Bundling up nicely will help make winter work smooth sailing.
Trust Your Employee Uniforms to the Professionals at Lord Baltimore
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided cost-effective uniform rental services throughout the East Coast, including Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
To learn more about how employee uniforms can help your business, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle uniform and mat rentals and purchases for restaurants. Additionally, we also sell and rent uniforms, shop towels, fender covers, and mats for the manufacturing and automotive industries.